Do you wish for someone to get back to you? Read this article to perform the dua for someone to come back to you.
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Has someone you deeply loved drifted away from you? And now, with the help of Allah Ta’ala, you’re searching for a dua to bring them back into your life? If so, you’re in the right place.
In this article, we will share a powerful dua that can help bring someone back to you. This method is entirely halal, and we want to emphasize that we do not condone any form of black magic. Islam strictly prohibits such practices, and we stand firmly against them.
As the Qur’an states:
“And this [the Qur’an] is a blessed book which We have revealed; so follow it and fear Allah, that you may receive mercy.” (Surah Al-An’aam, 6:155)
How to Get Best Benefits of Dua to Get Someone Back In Your Life?
When you truly love someone, there is always a lingering fear of losing them. If they leave, the sorrow can be so overwhelming that it feels unbearable. You may find it difficult to share your pain because others may not fully understand the depth of your heartache. But remember, there is no one greater than Allah Ta’ala. If He wills, He can ease your suffering and reunite you with your loved one.
Allah SWT has said, “My mercy encompasses all things.” (Qur’an 7:156)
You simply need to have unwavering faith in Him. If you recite the dua and follow the method we provide with complete sincerity and trust in Allah, we assure you that your lost love can return to you. The power of the Qur’an is boundless. It has the strength to transform even the most difficult situations.
Now, let’s explore the specific dua that you can recite to help bring your love back, guided by Allah Ta’ala. Reciting the right dua with true belief can work wonders and, with the mercy of Allah, help you reunite with your loved one.
If you are seeking to restore a lost relationship under the guidance of Allah, keep reading to learn the dua that may lead you to the return of your love.
Points to Consider For Performing Dua to Get Someone Back Into Your Life
Before you perform any dua, it’s essential to be mindful of a few key aspects, as these can significantly influence whether or not your prayer is accepted. Here are some important steps to enhance the effectiveness of your “Dua to get someone back in your life”:
- Begin your prayer by reciting any five names of Allah Ta’ala. This not only purifies your intention but also brings you closer to Him.
- Always make sure to face towards the Qibla when you are praying. This direction is significant in Islamic prayer and adds to the power of your dua.
- Pay close attention to your intentions. Ensure your prayer is made with sincerity, without any ill will or negative thoughts. If your dua for someone to come back to youis rooted in impure motives, it will likely go unaccepted.
- Women should avoid making dua or performing any wazifa during their menstrual period, as this is a time of physical impurity in Islamic teachings.
- Until your dua to get someone back into your life is accepted, it’s important not to share it with anyone. Keep your intentions and prayers between yourself and Allah.
How To Perform Dua For Someone To Come Back To You?
- Begin with wudu (ablution).
- Recite Durood Sharif 11 times.
- Recite Surah Taubah, Ayat No.129: “Hasbi Allaho La ilaha illa Huwa Alayhi tawakkaltu wa Huwa Rabbul Arshil Azeem” 342 times.
- Lastly, pray to Allah (SWT) for the return of the person you love.
Follow this process consistently for 15 days, and inshallah, you will begin to see a change. The person you desire to return may start reaching out to you, whether by messaging, calling, or expressing a desire to meet.
If you’re seeking quicker and more effective results or need guidance while performing this dua, feel free to contact Molvi Noor Mohammad via WhatsApp. He has successfully helped many people overcome life’s obstacles. You can also visit our Instagram page to read testimonials from others who have benefited from his guidance.
If you love someone deeply and want them to reciprocate that love, consider reciting the Wazifa for love to help rekindle the bond.
Best Dua to Get Someone Back In Your Life
Now, we present to you another incredibly powerful dua that can help restore your relationship with someone special. If you’re hoping to reunite with your beloved, this is the dua for you:
After completing Tahajjud Salah, recite the following hadith from Sahih Muslim, Book 1:
“O Allah, place love for [insert name] in their heart; bring them back to me”
343 times, followed by Ayatul Kursi. Do this consistently for 15 days. This is considered one of the most effective duas to get someone back in your life.

If you’re facing difficulties in your relationship, reciting this dua for love back into your life can be a great source of healing and restoration.
4 Steps to Perform Dua for Someone You Love
If you deeply care for someone and wish to keep them in your life forever, follow these four steps to seek Allah Ta’ala’s guidance:
- Start by taking a photo of the person you love.
- Recite the phrase, “allahumma inni astakhiruka bi ilmika” 221 times.
- Blow gently on the photo of the person you love.
- Pray sincerely to Allah (SWT) for this person to remain by your side.
You can continue this method of the dua for someone you love for up to 20 days. With Allah’s blessings, this individual will stay with you.

If you’re looking to make someone fall in love with you, you may also want to read the powerful dua for love.
Benefits of Performing Dua For Someone To Come Back To You
Reciting a dua for someone’s return can bring both spiritual and emotional benefits. It’s essential to perform this dua with sincerity, pure intentions, and a strong belief in Allah (SWT). Here are some of the benefits:
- Positive Energy and Intentions: By making dua with a pure heart and positive energy, you may draw that person back into your life.
- Inner Peace: Offering dua can bring inner peace as you trust Allah’s guidance in resolving your personal matters.
- Halal Solution: The process described is entirely halal, in accordance with the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah, ensuring a spiritually sound way to rekindle your relationship.
- Permanent Solution: If performed with the right intentions, this dua can offer a lasting solution, restoring and strengthening your bond with the person you love.
In Islam, making dua for someone to return to your life is a powerful act of devotion. It offers a halal, spiritually pure way to bring your loved one back into your life. Thousands of people have used this dua with great success, witnessing the return of their lost love. By maintaining full faith in Allah and pure intentions, you can also achieve similar results.
As the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Allah does not look at your forms or your wealth, but He looks at your hearts and your intentions.” (Bukhari Muslim)
If you find it difficult to perform these duas or need further guidance, you can reach out to Molvi Noor Mohammad Ji for assistance. He can help you navigate the process and bring your lost love back into your life.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can Allah bring someone back into your life?
If you wonder, ” Will Allah Bring Him Back To Me?” Yes, without a doubt. Allah Ta’ala has the power to help you reunite with your lost partner. To enhance your dua, try reciting 10 different names of Allah Ta’ala 700 times daily. After each session, pray earnestly to Allah for your loved one’s return. Perform this consistently for 11 days, especially during Tahajjud prayers, and have faith in Allah’s mercy.
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Salam Halal Nuskhe,
It feels great to read such an impressive dua. But I wanted to know whether this dua will help me in getting my boyfriend back? Please help me. Tell me how to perform it so that I can get him back in life.
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