3 Powerful Dua to Get Ex back (Get Him Back)

The dua to get ex back shared in this article has helped countless Muslim brothers and sisters restore lost love, leading to successful relationships. Even today, this dua continues to be a blessing for many.

Love is a profound emotion that Allah (SWT) has gifted to us, serving as a unique bond that connects two hearts. However, relationships can sometimes face trials, leading to separation. The pain of losing a loved one is undeniable, and the longing to reconcile can consume one’s thoughts and emotions. For those seeking to bring their ex back with the divine guidance of Allah, there is hope through the power of dua. 

In this article, we will explore a powerful dua to get your ex back, which has helped countless Muslim brothers and sisters to restore their relationships and find peace once more. When done with pure intentions and sincere faith in Allah, this dua has proven to be a boon for many. Let’s dive into understanding how this dua works, the rules for performing it, and the steps to take for a successful reconciliation. 

How Does Dua to Get Ex Back Work? 

Allah (SWT), the Almighty, holds the power to heal broken hearts and mend relationships. When two people drift apart, the reason can range from misunderstandings and differences to outside influences. Regardless of the cause, it is essential to approach the situation with sincerity, faith, and a clear heart. 

Dua, or supplication, is a powerful means of seeking help from Allah. When performed with genuine intentions, dua to get ex back can bring about miraculous changes in one’s life. It is crucial to understand that this dua is not about manipulation or forcing someone against their will; rather, it is about seeking Allah’s guidance to bring harmony and love back into your life. 

The dua’s effectiveness relies on a pure intention to marry or live a life filled with love and commitment. If one’s heart is tainted with selfish motives, the dua will not yield the desired results. On the contrary, if your intention is pure and you aim to seek Allah’s pleasure, the dua can work wonders for you. 

The Importance of Sincerity in Dua for Love Back

Nothing in this world is beyond Allah’s capabilities. He is the Creator of the universe and has control over everything that happens. Therefore, making a dua with a sincere heart is essential. If Allah is pleased with you and your intentions, He will grant you what you seek, provided it aligns with what is best for you. 

When you perform the dua to get ex back, remember to keep your heart free from malice, manipulation, or harm. The aim should be to seek a blessed reunion and a harmonious relationship. It is vital to align your desires with the will of Allah (SWT), trusting His wisdom in all situations. 

Learn how to perform dua for someone to come back to you for getting back with the person you love the most.

Guidance on Performing the Dua to Get Ex Back 

To ensure that your dua to get ex back is effective, it is important to follow certain rules and guidelines that help create a sincere connection with Allah. Here are some essential rules to consider: 

  • Genuine Intentions: Ensure that your desire to reconcile is born from love and the hope of a better future together, not from selfish or harmful intentions. 
  • Choose the Right Time: The times during Tahajjud (late-night prayers) and after Fajr (morning prayers) are considered spiritually significant and are ideal for making heartfelt duas. 
  • Seek Forgiveness for Past Sins: If you have committed any sins, sincerely repent and ask for Allah’s forgiveness before making your dua to get ex back. This is crucial to purify your soul and create a strong spiritual connection. 
  • Include Quranic Verses and Hadith: Recite relevant verses from the Quran or authentic Hadith that focus on forgiveness, mercy, and reconciliation. For instance, Surah Al-Baqarah (2:201) is known for its powerful supplications. 
  • Exercise Patience and Trust in Allah’s Plan: Understand that the outcome may not always align with your desires, but trust in Allah’s wisdom and His plan for you.

Additionally, if you are a woman, it is advised not to perform this dua during your menstrual period as it requires complete purity. 

Powerful Dua to Get Ex Back (Dua for Ex To Come Back) 

A powerful and effective dua to bring your ex back into your life is found in Surah Al-Furqan (Chapter 25), Verse 74: 

“Rabbana hab lana min azwajina wadhuriyyatina qurrata a’yunin wa-j’alna lil-muttaqina imama.” 

Translation: “Our Lord, grant us comfort from among our spouses and offspring to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous.”

This verse from the Quran serves as a beautiful prayer for those seeking peace and reconciliation in their relationships. When recited with sincerity and a clean heart, it invokes Allah’s mercy and guidance, paving the way for lost love to return. 

How to Perform Dua To Get Ex Back in 5 Steps?

  1. Ensure you’re in a state of cleanliness by performing ablution.
  2. Start by reciting Durood Shareef 11 times.
  3. Chant “Ya Wadudu” (The Most Loving) 300 times with sincerity.
  4. Make a heartfelt dua asking Allah to bring your ex back into your life.
  5. Conclude by reciting Durood Shareef 11 more times.

5 Steps to Perform Dua to Get Him Back 

  1. Perform Ablution (Wudu): Before starting the dua, cleanse yourself through ablution (wudu) to purify your body and mind. 
  2. Sit in a Quiet Place: Choose a serene and quiet location where you can focus entirely on your supplication without distractions. 
  3. Recite Durood Sharif: Begin by reciting Durood Sharif (sending blessings upon Prophet Muhammad) to invoke Allah’s mercy. 
  4. Recite the Dua 435 Times: Recite the dua
    “Rabbana hab lana min azwajina wadhuriyyatina qurrata a’yunin wa-j’alna lil-muttaqina imama” 201 times with full concentration and a heartfelt plea to Allah. 
  5. After completing the recitation, perform Istikhara (a prayer seeking Allah’s guidance) and speak to Allah in your own words. Express your sincere desire to have your ex-love back in your life.

It is essential to repeat this Islamic ritual for 16 consecutive days after any three daily prayers (Salah). With unwavering faith and patience, believe that Allah will guide you to the best possible outcome. 

If you wish to perform this dua under the special guidance of an Islamic scholar, such as Molana Anwar Khan, feel free to consult with them for personalized assistance and spiritual support via WhatsApp. 

Conclusion: The Power of Dua in Rekindling Love 

The dua to get ex back is a powerful spiritual tool that has brought hope and solace to many hearts seeking reconciliation. Rooted in the teachings of the Quran, this dua is not just a call for love but also a call for understanding, forgiveness, and commitment.

By following the rules of sincerity, patience, and spiritual connection, one can embark on a journey of healing and reunion, trusting in Allah’s wisdom and divine plan for their lives. 

Remember, when making this dua, align your heart with pure intentions, approach it with sincerity, and trust that Allah (SWT) knows what is best for you. With a strong belief in the Almighty’s power, may your supplications be accepted, and may you find peace and love in your journey ahead. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

How many times should I recite the dua to get my ex back? 

Recite the dua “Rabbana hab lana min azwajina wadhuriyyatina qurrata a’yunin wa-j’alna lil-muttaqina imama” 435 times for 16 consecutive days after any three daily prayers. 

Molvi Noor Mohammad
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2 thoughts on “3 Powerful Dua to Get Ex back (Get Him Back)”

  1. When I read this dua, I Thought this was going to be a waste of effort. Mujhe nahi pata tha ki ye dua itni kaam kar jaaegi. Maulvi ji se baat karne ke baad is dua ko padhne ka nateeja behtareen hai. Bahut bahut shukriya Maulvi Noor Mohammad Ji.


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