Understanding Wazifa for Husband: What It Is and How It Works

The Wazifa we have explained in this article has helped many sisters bring back their husband’s love. It’s like a special magic that still works today, making hearts happier and marriages stronger.

Power of Wazifa in Your Marriage

Wazifa for husband love is a special practice in Islam designed to strengthen the bond between husband and wife. It involves reciting specific duas and Surahs from the Quran to invite Allah’s blessings and increase love and understanding in your relationship.

Millions of people have found comfort and improvement in their marriages through these powerful spiritual practices.

Essential Guidelines Before Starting Your Wazifa for Husband

Before you begin your Wazifa, it’s important to follow these steps to ensure you perform it correctly:

  1. Make Your Intentions Pure: Always begin with a sincere intention. Your heart should be focused on seeking Allah’s help and improving your relationship.
  2. Perform Ablution: Clean yourself with Wudu before starting any Wazifa or recitation.
  3. Choose a Quiet Time: Select a peaceful time to perform your Wazifa, free from distractions.
  4. Be Consistent: Recite your Wazifa daily as instructed. Consistency is key to seeing results.
  5. Pray Regularly: Keep up with your regular prayers (Salah) and include your Wazifa in your daily routine.

If you wish to get engaged quickly and find your life partner soon, read the Dua to Get Engaged Soon for Allah’s blessings and guidance.

Simple 5-Step Guide to Performing Wazifa for Your Husband’s Love

  1. Begin with Fresh Intentions: Start with a clear heart and a strong desire for Allah’s help. This step is crucial for any Wazifa.
  2. Recite Surah Yasin: Recite Surah Yasin (36:1-27) every day for 7 days, preferably after Fajr or Maghrib prayers. This Surah is known for bringing blessings and strengthening relationships.
  3. Perform Dua of Love: Recite the following Dua 100 times daily for 7 days.
    • Dua: “اللهم اجعل حبيبي لي قريبا ولا تجعل قلبه يتغير عليّ” (Allahumma ajil hubbi li qareeban wa la taj’al qalbuhu yataghayyar ‘alayya).
  4. Read Surah Al-Fatiha: Recite Surah Al-Fatiha (1:1-7) 3 times after each prayer for 7 days with the intention of seeking Allah’s mercy and love in your marriage.
  5. Conclude with Salah: Perform extra prayers (Nafl Salah) and include a special Dua asking for Allah’s blessings and increased love between you and your husband. Perform Nafl Salah and Dua daily for 7 days.

If you need help or want quick and effective results, you can easily reach out to Molvi Noor Mohammad on WhatsApp.

How to Recite Surah Taha Ayat 39 as Part of Wazifa for Husband Love

Surah Taha Ayat 39 is a special verse that can be recited for various blessings, including strengthening your marital bond.

  • Ayat: “وَفَتَنَاكَ فَتْنَةً” (Wa fataannaka fatnatan).
  • Procedure: Recite this Ayat 21 times daily while focusing on your husband’s love and understanding.
  • How Many Days: Recite for 11 days, preferably during the last third of the night.

If you’re concerned about your husband’s health and want to pray for his long life, recite the Powerful Dua for husband health and success.

Key Benefits of Performing Wazifa for Your Husband

  1. Increased Love: Reciting Wazifa brings more love and affection into your relationship.
  2. Improved Understanding: Helps in overcoming misunderstandings and builds a stronger connection.
  3. Emotional Support: Provides comfort and reassurance during difficult times.
  4. Allah’s Blessings: Invokes Allah’s blessings and mercy upon your marriage.
  5. Peaceful Relationship: Creates a more harmonious and peaceful relationship.

If you need calm and peace in your life, read the Surah For Peace of Mind to find tranquility and comfort through Allah’s guidance.

Tips for Maximizing the Effectiveness of Prayer for Husband

  1. Be Consistent: Consistency in performing Wazifa is crucial for positive results.
  2. Maintain Cleanliness: Always perform Wazifa after Wudu to keep your mind and body clean.
  3. Focus on Your Intentions: Ensure your heart is focused solely on seeking Allah’s help.
  4. Stay Positive: Keep a positive mindset and trust in Allah’s plan.
  5. Combine with Regular Prayers: Incorporate Wazifa into your daily Salah for added blessings.

If you want to bring back the love of someone special in your life, recite the Dua For Your Love Back to seek Allah’s help and rekindle your bond.


Performing Wazifa for your husband can be a profound way to strengthen your relationship and invite Allah’s blessings into your marriage. By following the outlined steps, maintaining consistency, and focusing on your intentions, you can enhance love and understanding in your marriage. Remember, trust in Allah’s wisdom and keep your prayers sincere.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which Surah is For Husbands Love?

If you want to increase love between you and your husband, Surah Kausar is a powerful choice. This special surah helps build strong, loving connections and brings blessings layer by layer.

What Dua Should I Read For My Husband To Love Me?

To help your husband love you more, recite the following dua: “اللهم اجعل قلبه يملؤه حُبّي ولا تَجعل فيه تغيراً عليّ”

(Allahumma ajil qalbahu yamlu’uhu hubbi wa la taj’al feehi taghayyuran ‘alayya).

This dua asks Allah to fill your husband’s heart with love for you and prevent any changes. Recite it regularly with sincere intentions and trust in Allah’s wisdom to strengthen the love and bond in your relationship.

Molvi Noor Mohammad
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